
Chapter 24


Justin broke through the surface of the water and gasped for air. His lungs were burning with exhaustion and his chest was so tight it felt like the air would never reach his lungs fast enough. He tried to slow his gasps and breathe deeply as he treaded water. His whole body quivered from the need to stop moving and rest, but that was the last thing his mind wanted.
The Guardian Star had taken port at the Diamond Islands directly from Triger, but that had been some time ago. Justin had to get away and the thought of fighting or of doing anything held no appeal. His excuse had been that the men needed a rest, but it was he who needed the break from the outside world. He needed to be able to refocus and stop thinking of Dabria and her family. Yet no matter how hard he swam or how exhausted he forced his body to be, it was never enough. Her face swam in front of his own, a tear rolling down her cheek has his hand greeted it and brushed it away. The tightening in his chest at the look on her face was far worse than the feeling caused by the physical loss of air. He would have given the world to wipe that look from her face forever. But when she had needed him too, he hadn’t given her the answer she sought and now she was lost to him forever.
Justin stopped kicking and allowed himself to sink below the water’s edge. His lungs immediately began screaming for air. His whole body was weighted from trying to keep him afloat. He denied them both and sank further, until the survival instinct that had kept him alive for so long kicked in and he pushed his way to the surface. As good as it felt to make the pain physical, it did not take it away. Justin was beginning to realize nothing would.
Slowly, he paddled to shore and weakly pulled his aching body from the water. Willingly, he collapsed onto the grassy land. Breathing hard, he concentrated on the rise and fall of his chest. Why did it hurt so much?
It was the question he had been trying to answer since he had left her bedroom window. If he truly cared for her as he had always told himself, if she was only his sister, then why was this pain of her loss so deep? It felt as if his world had dimmed and fallen apart. Nothing had the same meaning and for the life of him he didn’t understand why. Even his ship, The Guardian Star, had betrayed him for on it he saw only memories of her. It wasn’t as if she was dead or he would never see her again. She would probably still visit Tommy and her sister. Their paths could cross there. The real change was that she belonged to someone else now. She would never again by his Pixie alone. She would no longer travel on his ship or look at him as if he was all she saw. She belonged to another man and that was his true problem.
He had purposefully stayed away from thinking of her as a woman or as someone that would marry. It seemed so far away and pointless to think about, yet now he could think of nothing else. She was grown and beautiful and obviously sought after. He had realized too late how her marrying someone would change their relationship. Somehow he had thought they would always continue as they were. Now that it was too late, he knew differently.
She was everything any sane man would want. Her spirit was immeasurable. Her attitude was not to cower and hide, but fight and survive. Yet, she was sweet and gentle as well and had a smile that was unmatched. She truly listened when you talked and didn’t have to pretend. Her emotions were on her sweet face to read if you cared enough to see. Her touch was as soft as the Jasmine Rose, but her spirit like that of any cannon. How had he not let himself see any of this?
Justin half raised himself up onto his elbows, his chest glistening with the water not yet dried. Dabria was everything and he had let her walk out of his life. He had offered to help her find someone else! Was that what her eyes had meant? Was that the message she had been trying to send him? Could she care for him, not as a big brother, but as something more? Was he really looking at her as someone he might ….
“Captain!” Namid’s voice yelled in an urgent tone. “Captain! We are being attacked!”
Justin jumped up, leaving his thoughts behind as he turned to face the threat. Grabbing his shirt from a nearby branch, he raced through the trees and almost crashed into Namid, as his bodyguard moved to get him.
“Justin!” Namid yelled, jumping to the side just in time to avoid a collision.
“Who is it?”
The Dandy! He caught us off guard. We are in too shallow of water to maneuver quickly,” Namid gave the details as they both raced back to the ship.
“Can we move out?” Justin asked, yanking on his shirt as he ran.
“All ready trying, Captain. You’re the last man out. Once we’re on board, we can head to deeper water. The ship is still ready to move at her fastest. They were dumping the weights as I ran inland.”
“Let’s have at it then!” Justin yelled with a whoop. He was going to turn this around and this time he would have the elusive captain.
The longboat was on the beach and waiting with a crew. The Guardian Star was shielding it from the view of the other ship. Within minutes, the long boat was in the water and heading to the ship. Justin could hear Maath shouting orders from the helm. Men were scurrying everywhere carrying out the commands of their first mate. The Guardian Star fired and a loud crash from the other side of them indicated they had hit, although, the cheering crew was signal enough for that confirmation. The long boat pulled alongside the great ship and Justin hurried up the rope ladder that was awaiting his arrival. Justin was up the side of the ship and covered the distance to Maath’s side in record time. He glanced behind him and saw Namid climbing over the rail.
“Move out,” Justin commanded.
“Aye, aye, Captain,” Maath replied grimly as he turned the wheel.
“How did this happen?” Justin questioned as a cannonball crashed into the side railing with a loud crash and splinters flying everywhere. Justin frowned.
“They must have been laying in wait. All we know, is they weren’t there and then they were. We need to get out of this shallower water.”
Justin sighed. “If this was a closed bay we would be trapped.”
“Good thing it is not then,” Namid replied, arriving next to them and taking over the wheel from Maath.
“Yeah, lot of good this will do them,” Maath replied. Then he was down the steps and shouting, “Hey! I told you to release that knot! When was that last time you sailed!”
“Incoming!” The call came from the rat’s nest far above the deck. The resulting hole in the deck proved the enemy’s aim was improving.
“Get us out of here,” Justin growled.
“All ready on it,” Namid replied, “but we could use a better sail.”
Justin nodded. “Maath, we need more lead!”
“Release the top sail!” Was the reply Maath shouted to the crew, who moved quickly to follow the command.
The ship picked up speed and, too slowly for Justin, it made its way out of the shallow water. Quickly, Namid brought it into a better fighting position.
“Maath! Fire when ready!”
“Steady on the right! Load left cannons! Right side, fire at will!” Maath called commands with precision.
The shots had barely fired, when Namid began to turn the ship yet again.
“Now, that we are fighting back, they are pulling away,” Justin commented, watching the half fleeing ship. “Chase them. I want him dead in the water. We are ending this.”
“Aye!” Namid replied, already pursing the target.
“Maath, fire again!” Justin yelled, his eyes not leaving the other ship. His exhausted body was half numb, but he could feel the adrenaline beginning to pump through him. He would need that rush when he finally faced the phantom pirate captain.
Cannons boomed as they released their heavy charges into the bowls of the opponent. But as many as The Guardian Star shot, The Dandy returned each one. Namid pulled the ship around presenting a smaller target and pulled in closer to The Dandy. Soon they would be inside their target’s range and then they could create some real damage. The fact that the other ship was weighted down, while The Guardian Star had lost all of its extra weight was indeed proving to be the advantage Justin had hoped. Despite its attempts, The Dandy could not pull away from Justin’s determined ship and crew. The crew hooted as another cannon ball found its target.
“Almost there,” Justin whispered. Tension and excitement moved through his every muscle.
The Dandy fired a single shot and Namid adjusted slightly, but it wasn’t enough. Justin watched in shock as the cannon ball hit the main mast and bowed it low. The crew member inside the crow’s nest, screamed and fell into the ocean below. The rest of the crew howled in horror as they raced away from the falling tree.
“No!” Justin yelled.
He turned to stare at The Dandy in shock. It was a lucky shot. The Guardian Star had no chance of either chasing or fleeing now. It would have to climb into a port for repairs.
“Take up arms! Prepare to be boarded!” Justin yelled to his shocked crew.
However, The Dandy dipped her colors mockingly and moved on its merry way. Justin could only stand and watch as the prize sailed away.
“She’s not going to finish us?” Namid asked, the confusion evident in his voice.
“Apparently not,” Justin heard himself respond.
“The question is why? She’s chased us forever, now that we are severely hurt, she leaves?”
Justin nodded slowly. “It doesn’t make sense. What could he be planning?”
“It’s the unknown that’s always made him dangerous,” Maath commented, coming off the top step to join them, but his voice too sounded as if all the rules normally played by had been changed.
“Why not finish it?” Justin questioned.
“A better question might be what does he want to do that he needs to make sure we cannot interfere with?” Namid poised.
“Good question,” Maath acknowledged.
“Dangerous question,” Justin added, wondering where he was supposed to be and who he was supposed to protect from the very real phantom captain.


Dabria frowned at the stitch and then decided it was good enough and moved to the next one. She didn’t really care anyway. It was only something to keep her hands busy, while her thoughts ran away. Her mind had been working overtime all day, as she tried to figure out how to best express to Leon the predicament she had managed to draw them all into. He had not yet arrived back from his trip, but he could any day now and that meant she had to be ready. Still, no matter how many different ways she tried to word it, the confession always came out drastically wrong. At this point, she was worried her only option was to pray and then wing it. In her experience, that always went wrong.
She was worried about Justin too. No one had seen or heard from him since he had left, which wasn’t unusual, but Dabria couldn’t help the knot in her stomach that said it was her fault and he was in trouble. If the next stitch didn’t hold a prayer for how to explain to Leon it held a prayer for Justin’s safe return.
“What are you doing?” Salena asked as she entered the parlor.
“Needle point,” Dabria answered.
“You hate needle point. You never do it. I can’t get you to sit still long enough,” Salena pointed out.
Dabria shrugged. “I’m bored and I can’t draw anymore.”
The parlor had pictures in varying degrees of finished state spread haphazardly all around.
“I can see that,” Salena spoke again. “Um, what is that one of?” She asked, looking over Dabria’s shoulder.
Dabria frowned. “Can’t you tell?”
“Well, the blue is an ocean,” Salena guessed.
“Lake,” Dabria corrected.
“Oh. Is that not a beach then?” Salena pointed to a sandy colored section.
“Island,” Dabria corrected again.
“Tree!” Salena finally stated proudly, jabbing a finger at the brown and green image.
“Yes!” Dabria exclaimed, causing both girls to fall into fits of laughter.
“Bree, you are awful at this! What is going on?” Salena sat next to her friend.
Dabria sighed and moved the needle up and down finishing one more stitch before laying the lake scene on her lap. “I can’t concentrate on anything. Nothing holds my interest and I’m so bored!”
“Why can’t you concentrate? Oh, Bree! Are you thinking about Leon and Justin again? I thought we decided to give that a rest.”
Dabria snorted, a trick she had picked up from her Aunt Jada, and one her sister was not thrilled with. “That is far easier said than actually done. Salena, how did I manage to ruin two relationships with one blow? Am I really that bad or just that stupid?”
“Neither,” Salena said firmly. “Your parents caused this situation by forcing your hand.”
“No, I did, by not telling the truth in the beginning. I should have just been honest,” Dabria admitted.
Salena nodded. “Yes, that certainly could have helped. But you can’t change anything now, you can only make things right and sitting here all day contemplating every past action and possible future isn’t helping.”
“Sure it is,” Dabria protested weakly.
Salena shot her a look. “How?”
“I am… reflecting and learning?” Dabria asked.
“For the past month?” Salena exclaimed.
“It hasn’t been that long!”
“It has been long enough. All you are doing now is beating yourself up. And that isn’t helping no matter how you look at it. You have to let it go. You’ve learned a lot and when the time comes you can put it into practice.”
Dabria sighed. “Sound advice.”
“Yeah, we sound all grown up,” Salena laughed.
“Are we?” Dabria questioned. “I feel old enough now.”
“Only if you don’t want to go horse racing with Tadi and me. He claims he found an ideal spot to whip you good.”
“He couldn’t do that even if my horse was lame!” Dabria exclaimed, jumping up and watching her stitching work go flying. “Come on! I’m teaching him some manners.”
Salena smiled. “That’s the Dabria I’ve been missing.”
Dabria returned the smile with one of her own. “She’s still in me. Just tired of grown up things.”
“Then let’s be kids again, if only for the afternoon.”
The girls clasped hands and pumped them up and down before heading outside so Dabria could trounce Tadi.


Dabria snuggled down further under her covers and felt the warm of the bed envelope her shoulders. She sighed, satisfied with the result. The bath from earlier had felt perfect after the storm had caught the three teenagers outside. Kiliki had only shaken her head and ordered all three upstairs for baths and warm clothes before they were allowed to eat supper. The adventure had left her tired, but satisfied with the day’s events. Now, she only needed her mind to slow down so she could fall into a peaceful slumber.
“Lord, keep Justin and Leon safe. Help me to know what to say to them when I see them. Please, bring them both back here safely… um, but not at the same time.” Dabria laughed at herself, before finishing with, “Goodnight, Abba.”
Swiftly, she fell asleep. Her dreams carried her onto a ship that sailed a blue ocean with the sun just setting beyond the open horizon. The captain stood closely at her side, but when she turned to see his face, it was shadowed by wide brimmed hat. She lifted her hand to touch his face and found his chin slightly rough from a day’s worth of growing bared. His hand covered to hers and gently pulled it down. Holding it in his own, his other hand came up and cupped her face tenderly. Slowly, he guided her closer and Dabria closed her eyes in anticipation of the coming kiss. Suddenly, his hand turned and clamped down over her mouth, pressing it tightly. The beauty of her surroundings faded and Dabria struggled to escape her now captor.
The pressure became harder and her eyes opened to reality, her body struggling reflexively. A dark shadow loomed over her bed, his hand clamped over her mouth, prevented her from screaming. His other hand held a pressure point on her stomach that hurt enough to cause tears to come to her eyes.
“Shh!” The stranger hissed. “Shut yer trap or I’s kill the family.”
Immediately, Dabria ceased struggling. Her eyes wide with fear couldn’t adjust to the darkness and make out his figure, but by her rolling stomach and her panicked heart rate, she knew she was in trouble.
He moved his hand from her stomach to her arm and yanked hard.
“Get up!” He hissed.
Dabria struggled to obey. Her breathing was labored and coming in gasps. She couldn’t breathe right with his hand in her way. She felt like she was suffocating. He needed to move his hand or she would pass out.
“No sounds!” He commanded and Dabria nodded as best she could. His hand came away slowly and Dabria took a deep breath of the life giving air, though it hardly helped, because she was still gasping too hard. She would have fallen to the floor except that the stranger still had a vice grip on her arm. He yanked her around and grabbed her second arm, pulling them behind her back.
“Stand still,” was his next command.
Dabria could feel the rope being woven around her wrists, tying them securely together.
Where were Kiliki and Tommy? How had this cretin gotten in? Who was he? What did he want with her? The questions raced through her mind, none coming with an answer.
“All right, move!” He commanded as he shoved her to the door.
Somehow, she managed to stay on her feet and make her way out the open door. Her eyes adjusted to the different light in the hallway. He pushed her in the direction of the stairs and she made her way over to them.
“Where are my…” she didn’t get to finish.
“Shut up or I’ll rope your mouth shut!”
Dabria believed him. It was awkward going down the steps with her hands tied behind her back. That was made worse by her heartbeat pounding in her ears and her labored breathing. When she finally reached the bottom floor, her captor pushed her over to the parlor and she moved there more easily. A glow came from the room, setting it apart from all the others. The house looked creepy in the darkness or maybe it was the knowledge that it had been invaded.
Inside, the candle light made the occupants visible. Dabria hopes shot up when she saw Kiliki and Tommy already in the room and seated on the couch. But they fell quickly when she realized it meant they had been captured as well. Adem clung to his mother’s waist and Kiliki had her arm protectively around the eight year old. Her belly was now clearly showing she was over five month’s pregnant. Tommy’s face was impassive, but his eyes spoke danger.
“Ah! The last of our beautiful guests have arrived. Welcome, mon chere, to my party.” The voice came from the tall man wearing lavish pirate’s clothing. He doffed his oversized hat at her, plume jauntily bouncing.
Dabria swallowed. Only family was in the room, yet Emalia, Salena, and even Aunt Jada all slept upstairs. This man knew them well.
“What do you want with us?” Tommy asked.
The pirate’s eyes glinted. “You will find out soon enough, Black Panther, and you will pay.”
Adem came alert at the name and looked around the room, confused. Kiliki stifled a gasp, but the pirate only grinned.
“Yes, your little secret is not so safe, mademoiselle. Nor will it ever be again.” His voice was hard. He turned to the man behind Dabria. “Get them to the ship and do it quietly.”
“We are not going anywhere,” Tommy denied. “Tell us what it is you want and you can leave.”
The pirate let out a laugh that sounded practiced. “What I want will take much time to collect from you. I will enjoy every moment of that time.” He stepped closer to them and Kiliki pulled Adem back into her side. “Your wife and son will suffer with you and you will have the knowledge it is your entire fault. But that will only be the beginning, mon captain.” He turned suddenly as if he couldn’t stand the sight of Tommy, instead his eyes landed on Dabria and he paused for a moment before crossing to stand in front of her. His eyes moved over her entire body. Dabria could feel her skin crawling at the effect. “You are a bonus, however, mon chere. You can thank your false Black Panther for that. He allowed you on the deck one too many times.” His finger rose to stroke her cheek.
Dabria tried to pull away, but the man behind her grabbed her neck and forced her to endure this new form of torture.
“You will come to like my touch, chere. Even to crave it,” his whispered voice was just loud enough for Tommy to hear.
Tommy anger rolled across his face in a black wave. Dabria felt like she was going to throw up. As long as it landed on this fancy captain’s clothes that wouldn’t be a bad thing.
“Get them out to the carriage. Then you can come back and take whatever you want. If anyone wakes up, kill them.” The captain laughed. “We may kill them anyway!”
“No! You can’t!” Kiliki cried.
“I can do anything I want!” He answered maliciously. “Don’t test me or I will.”
The man behind Dabria yanked her backwards hard and she stumbled into him. He pushed her out the door and into a waiting carriage outside. With her inside their grip, her family had no choice but to follow.
Soon, they were all loaded into the carriage with a guard, who sat next to Dabria and held a knife to her throat. Whoever the captain was, he was smart and taking no chances.
“No talking,” their captor warned.
He had his wish, the ride was silent, but Tommy and Kiliki spent the whole ride talking with their eyes. Dabria just had no clue what was being said. Adem sat between his mother and father and although his chin quivered, he didn’t cry. Dabria was proud of him for being so brave. She wished she could be that way. While she didn’t cry, she had to keep up her count in her head and time her breathing to it. No one else could do it for her and she had to stay alert and conscious. She had already felt the sickness insider her, making her weaker, but this was one time she could not give it to it. At the very least, she had to hold it off as long as possible. The carriage rolled to a stop and the door opened to another armed guard.
“The boy first,” came the command from the shadowed figure.
“No,” Kiliki pulled Adem into her.
Dabria felt the knife at her throat draw blood. “Then she goes permanently.”
“I’m okay, Mommy,” Adam spoke bravely, though his voice wobbled.
“Be brave. I love you,” Kiliki whispered to him.
“No talking!” The guard repeated his earlier command.
Adam got up and moved. Kiliki let go of his hand at the last possible second. Dabria was shoved out the door next. She was dragged through the night’s darkness to the ship’s loading dock. In front of her, she could just make out Adem’s small form being led up the plank. Quietly, she followed.
They were led into the cargo hold, where Adam was taken off in a different direction. She was pushed through boxes, barrels, and all kinds of souring smells. Eventually, she was shoved through the door of on opened cage. It was slammed behind her and the lock was clicked shut. Without a word, her captor left her alone.
Immediately, Dabria started counting again, her breathing pacing to the count in her head. The smells were making her stomach sick and she could feel the terror of the dark producing nightmares all its own. She closed her eyes and concentrated on seeing the count. She pictured horses, her family, friends, wide open spaces, lakes, and her Heavenly Father as number one.
“Abba, keep us safe and please send us help,” Dabria cried out loud to the only one who could hear her.



  1. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Breath in, Breath out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Post PLEASE!!! SOON!
    Zanna (a very worried reader)

  2. LOL Don't die on me! I shall miss all your comments! And you'll never find out how it ends! Posting is on every Monday!

  3. Okay, I can breathe now; now i'm going to look forward to every Monday!
    Tomorrow, tomorrow! :) can't wait!
