
Chapter 13

Interesting Encounter

It was almost the end of the girls’ three month stay with Kiliki as Dabria, Salena, and Emalia walked down the street in Triger. They had just left the housing and were now entering the famous shopping district, which sold wears from all over Zerlinda. It made for an exciting day out and even better gifts. Dabria and Salena chattered excitedly about what they were going to buy, while Emalia laughed enjoying their excitement.

“I can’t believe Adem will be seven. I thought we informed him last year he wasn’t allowed to grow anymore,” Dabria laughed.

“He takes after you and his mother. You both follow instructions so well,” Salena commented grinning.

“Yes, it does seem to run in the family, Dabria,” Emalia added.

Dabria turned to look back at Emalia, who was walking a few steps behind them. “Why, Emalia, I have no idea what you are talking about. I always follow orders.”

All three girls laughed.

“No, really I do,” Dabria remarked, still grinning.

Emalia seemed to think for a few moments. “You follow orders when you realize you have too. However, when it comes to your little schemes no one can convince you of anything.”

“That’s it!” Salena exclaimed. “That’s it exactly!”

“Okay, okay, enough picking on Dabria. I believe we were discussing Adem,” Dabria protested holding her hands up.

“No, that is what you want us to discuss.” Emalia looked at Dabria fondly.

“Hmmm,” was Dabria only reply.

Salena and Emalia both enjoyed another laugh. Dabria simply shook her head at her friends and focused her thoughts on what she was going to get her nephew for his birthday. She had loved watching him grow from the tiny baby he had been. Unfortunately, she only got to see him for three months out of the year, but at least those months included his birthday. Last year she had gotten him a fun toy that she had found in Triger. It spun and made odd noises. Kiliki had been ready to kill her after a half hour of the constant noise. She smiled at the memory. This year she wanted to get him something just has fun.

“Dabria, look out!”

Dabria reacted automatically to Salena’s cry jumping back towards her friend’s voice. It was just in time to avoid a fast moving carriage. She glared after it in surprise. Salena and Emalia both rushed at her, asking if she was okay. She managed to nod and reassure them, but her eyes stayed on the carriage, which had rolled to a stop a few yards ahead of them.

The door opened and a young man stepped out looking back towards the three women. He moved towards them quickly. Dabria studied him, fully ready to ream him for almost running her down. He had paler skin and was tall and thin, though he looked like he could hold his own if he had too. His blond hair was slightly longer and full of waves. His clothing spoke of wealth. He had on a white cambric shirt with laced drawstrings, black breeches, a pair of Hessians boots, and a cardigan, which was like a frock that buttoned down the front. He also had a wide dark hat that with a broad brim that curved upward on the left-hand side and an albert overcoat, which was calf-length and had a half-circle cape resting on the shoulders. As he neared, Dabria caught the concerned look in his brown eyes and his tight face.

“Are you all right, Miss? I do apologize. I am in a hurry to meet my father for an important meeting, but that is no excuse for my driver’s rampage down the narrow streets,” his voice was smooth like silk.

“I am fine, thank you, sir. However, I would appreciate it if you slowed your carriage considerable. A child would not have been as lucky as I was,” Dabria’s replied properly, but still managing to get in a biting rebuke.

“I do apologize, miss. Perhaps you will let me make it up to you and your companions by joining me for brunch at the Bellionaria Hotel?” He asked suavely, naming the nicest and most expensive Hotel in all of Triger.

“That is not necessary, sir. After all, we do not even have the privilege of knowing your name,” Emalia declined graciously.

“Oh, how foolish of me. I do beg your pardons, my ladies. I was so concerned for the m’lady’s safety that I neglected to introduce myself. My name is Leon McNeil.” He bowed elegantly and doffed his hat.

The three women stared at him in surprise.

“You are a McNeil?” Dabria questioned, “As in…” her voice trailed off, but Mr. McNeil answered anyway.

“Yes, but please do not let the name of my Father scare you away ladies. I would be most pleased to have you join me,” he spoke with a smile.

“It would be our honor, Mr. McNeil. We shall see you for the noon brunch,” Emalia accepted for the still dumbfounded Dabria and Salena.

McNeil bowed again. “And the names of the ladies that will be joining me?”

“I am Emalia Solon, this is Dabria Richerson, and Salena Dornan,” Emalia pointed to each as she spoke.

McNeil bowed again. “The pleasure is mine. I am looking forward to our next encounter at brunch. I hope it too will prove a memorable occasion, though hopefully more favorable.”

“We look forward to it, Mr. McNeil,” Dabria finally spoke her voice back.

McNeil took her hand and leaned over it, then smiled at her. “As do I. Till then.”

He turned, was back in his carriage, and pulling away before any of them could say another word. It was Salena who finally broke the silence.

“I’m sorry, but did the King’s Ambassador’s son just ask us to have brunch with him?”

Emalia nodded, but Dabria was staring after the carriage.

“That certainly was a strange encounter,” she muttered, more to herself than anyone else.

Salena waved her hand in Dabria’s face. “Hello, Bree? How about joining us?”

Dabria blinked. “Huh? Did you say something, Salena?”

“Obviously not,” her friend commented amused.

“What is that look for?”

“You like him.”

Dabria looked at her stunned. “What? Where on Zerlinda would you get that idea?”

“And it was quick too. Is that what the boys at the parties should have done to catch your attention? Run you over with their carriage first?” Salena was having a hard time not laughing now.

“You are ridiculous. I have no clue what you’re talking about,” but she was already looking after the carriage again. “He was odd, wasn’t he?”

Salena and Emalia lost it then. Both laughed loudly and had to cover their mouths with their hands to stifle the sound. Dabria glared at them.

“I was only making a comment. What is so hilarious?”

Emalia shook her head. “Nothing, Bree. But I have a feeling this will be an interesting lunch.”

“It will,” Dabria agreed again looking at where the carriage had disappeared. “Well, come on, we have shopping to do! Adem won’t wait forever!”

Emalia and Salena laughed and the three headed into the nearest store.


Dabria looked around the inside of the hotel restaurant. To say it was the most exclusive place in town was not an exaggeration. There were white covered tables with fine china set all around. Many were in secluded corners, as the room was built with privacy walls coming out from the sides, but still left the center open for communion dining. A piano in the far right corner drifted its soothing music across the entire room. An enormous chandelier, much too large in Dabria’s opinion, held a commanding presence in the middle of the ceiling and lit up the white and rose colored walls to perfection. Dabria figured a meal here cost about as much as her parents’ made in half a year, which was much more than anyone had the right to afford.

Dabria had been in the room only once before. For her thirteenth birthday, Tommy and Kiliki had treated the family to a dinner here. At the time Kiliki had informed her to take it in all then, because they wouldn’t be coming back. She would have to inform her sister she was back much sooner than either had planned.

Leon McNeil was headed their way in a matter of seconds after they appeared in the doorway. He bowed and escorted them to a table in the back, one very much secluded from the rest of the room and close enough to get the full effect of the piano, but not have it over powering. Dabria had a feeling this was the King’s Ambassador’s usual table.

The pleasantries were quickly exchanged and with helpful suggestions from Leon the meal was ordered. The small talk was easy as formal information had to be exchanged and Dabria told of her connection to the Duck and Duchess and spoke of her home on Waverton. She introduced Emalia and Salena as close friends, who stayed with them. Leon won points when he made no comment and welcomed them both graciously.

Leon explained the he was the son of the Ambassador to the King and that as such he often accompanied his father on many trips to the different countries located near to Zerlinda. He explained quite causally that he was being groomed to take his father’s place one day and was looking forward to it because of the importance of the job and the traveling, which he enjoyed. Dabria was fascinated with the whole idea.

“Oh, that sounds like so much fun. Where have you been too?” Salena asked.

Dabria smiled, Salena would never have dared to voice a question to such a high official before she had met Justin. He had insisted she be herself on his ship and Salena had grown so much because of it. The thought of Justin gave her pause. She wondered what he would think of Leon McNeil.

“Ah, my dear, I have been to a great number of places. Myth Island for instance, as well as Asland, and Reneta. Now, there is an interesting country. It has just put its true Queen back on the throne, so we have been doing many negotiations with them to insure a peaceful relationship between our two countries,” McNeil explained with a smile.

“That is fascinating. Do you have a favorite place to visit?” Salena asked.

McNeil laughed. “Well, I don’t know if I have a favorite place. After all, the places I’ve been to are all unique in their own way.”

“Such as?” Dabria asked, curious herself, and determined to not think about Justin’s reaction to her talking to a boy and one that was obviously mature.

McNeil turned to smile at her. “Well, let me think a moment. Myth Island for instance is named all after Roman, Greek, and Indian gods. They also happen to be the only races of people that live there. Their culture is fascinating, because they live as their ancestors would have, with the exception of their capital, Mystic. That city is highly advanced.”

Dabria nodded. “I think I have heard tales of such a place. I know that I have heard of Reneta before. What did you think of that place?”

“It is a gorgeous land, filled with many magnificent sights. For instance, they have trees that are large enough to live inside their trunk.” McNeil’s eyes had a faraway look to them as he described it.

Dabria sucked in her breath. “Oh! I would love to see such a sight!”

His eyes were warm as he looked at her. “Would you? Then I must arrange for you to go sometime.”

Dabria’s eyes widened. “Really? Why that would be wonderful! What an adventure!”

McNeil laughed. “Yes, it would be. Of course, that would require me to see you again. May I have permission to do so?” He asked softly.

Dabria looked at him in surprise. She hadn’t been serious. She never thought he would actually take her to see any place. They’d have to be engaged for that to happen anyway! Then again, he wasn’t asking for that, but simply to see her again. She thought back over their conversation again, she had found it very interesting and she had never been bored as usually happened when she was forced to talk to the boys she met. She could bet he had quite a few interesting stories to tell and she found herself wanting to hear them, whatever they might be. Salena’s swift kick to her shin brought her out of her thoughts quickly.

She smiled sweetly at McNeil, vowing to make sure Salena paid later. “It would be an honor to have you call on me, Mr. McNeil. I would enjoy that very much.”

McNeil nodded, seemingly relieved. “Good. I am very glad to hear that, Miss. Richerson.” He leaned towards her covertly. “And I look forward to when we are on first name basis.”

Dabria blushed. That was forward.

McNiel leaned back and smiled at the others. “Can I interest anyone in desert?”

“Oh, no thank you, Mr. McNeil. We really should be getting back. We did not inform Dabria’s sister we would be out quite this long,” Emalia smiled, but declined.

McNeil nodded. “Of course, I totally understand. My fault entirely. Allow me to make amends and offer you a ride home in my carriage. It is the least I can do.”

“But you have already paid for our entire meal,” Salena protested, though not quite strong enough to be convincing.

“Ah, but my carriage has not. Please,” McNeil stood up and offered a hand to Dabria. She smiled and accepted it. The four were soon ready and proceeded out to the infamous carriage. Once inside, the trip seemed too short as she sat across from McNeil. Emalia had taken the spot next to him and Salena was beside Dabria. She liked to watch his face as they spoke. It seemed to lighten every time he told an interesting fact. His longer blond hair tended to shy into his face when he wasn’t paying attention to it.

The carriage rolled to a slow stop. McNeil enlightened to help Emalia, Dabria, and finally Salena from it. He bowed to the three ladies.

“Thank you for a very pleasant visit. I look forward to seeing you again soon.” He bowed to them all, sent Dabria a smile, and was gone almost as suddenly as he had appeared in their lives. But Dabria knew he would be back soon and she secretly looked forward to it.


Kiliki looked up from her reading, took one look at her sister’s face and murmured, “What happened to you?”

Dabria looked at her innocently. “What are you talking about?”

“Do not use that look with me, Bree. You have never once fooled me and you are not about to start now.” Kiliki put a marker in her book and placed it aside. Then she looked up again to see Emalia and Salena enter. “Perhaps you can shed some light on what these two have been up too?”

Emalia shook her head. “Even you are not going to believe this one, Kiliki.”

Kiliki raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms. “Try me.”

Dabria glanced between the two women then laughed. “You two are sure making a large deal out of this.”

“We have lunch with the smitten son of the King’s Ambassador and you say we are making too big of a deal?” Salena stared at her best friend. “You are not really this calm.”

Dabria laughed and twirled around, her dress flaring out, before spinning herself to sit beside her sister. “It was pretty amazing.”

“Okay, spill and quickly please,” Kiliki exclaimed.

Dabria filled Kiliki in on the events of the day with Emalia and Salena putting in non-helpful comments in Dabria’s opinion. Kiliki waited for them to finish and then gave her sister a mischievous smile.

“What?” Dabria asked suspiciously.

“Nothing, it just seems Salena was right, you did have an interesting day. I’m glad your okay, but you’re not are you?”

It wasn’t really a question, but Dabria knew her sister expected an answer. For some reason, there was no answer that Dabria wanted to give, so she decided for innocence. “I don’t understand.”

Kiliki laughed. “Dabria, we’ve already been over this, you can’t use that innocent act with me.”

“Fine,” Dabria sighed. “What do you want me to tell you?”

“The stuff you left out,” Kiliki said matter-of-factly.

Dabria stuck out her tongue, but Kiliki just laughed.

“Oh, girl talk! Why wasn’t I invited? By your faces the topic must be delightful!” a new voice commented.

The women in the room looked up to see Tommy’s Aunt Jada enter with a grin. She nodded happily in answer to their greetings and then took a seat on the armchair and leaned forward slightly. “Well, my dears, spill!”

Emalia and Salena laughed and Dabria groaned, while Kiliki brought the older woman up to speed. By the time Kiliki was done, Jada’s gaze was fixed firmly on Dabria. The girl flushed.

“My, my, you have had a day of intrigue,” Jada grinned. “And with the Kings Ambassador’s son no less. We must have him over immediately.”

“What!” Dabria exclaimed, “Why?”

“Manners of course. He treated the three of you. It is only proper for us to treat him to our hospitality.”

“Why? He almost killed me!” Dabria protested.

“Dabria, you did tell him he could call on you,” Salena reminder her.

Dabria glared at her. “I was just being polite! I had to say that!”

It was obvious from the looks on their faces that no one in the room believed her.

“My dear, I believe you are protesting far too much,” Jada mused.

“But I hardly said anything!” Dabria protested yet again, while Kiliki, Emalia, and Salena, broke out into laughter. Dabria shot them a glare, though that did nothing to slow their laughter let alone stop it.

“Now, Dabria,” Jada said seriously above the noise, “is there something you are not telling us?”

Kiliki managed to stop laughing enough to tell Jada, “I asked her the same thing. She seems to be having trouble coming up with an answer.”

“There is nothing to tell! What in the world am I supposed to be telling you?” Dabria threw up her hands in the air.

“You like this young man, don’t you?” Jada asked coming straight to the point, but then she paused Dabria’s answer by holding up her hand. “And may I remind you I am well versed in being lied too, so telling the truth would be much faster.”

Dabria shrugged. “He was interesting.”

Kiliki shot her sister a “oh come on” look.

“Okay, so he wasn’t bad looking either,” she admitted.

Sarah giggled. “Nah, blond, debonair, and studious.”

“Oh, well, then we must have him over soon!” Jada said obviously enjoying herself.

“You know, it’s funny, but that description sounds the exact opposite of someone else we know,” Kiliki said, looking thoughtful.

“Oh? You mean our Tommy?” Jada asked her niece.

“No, but him too really. I was thinking younger than Tommy,” Kiliki smiled fondly, obviously thinking of her husband.

Emalia laughed. “Well, Evyn is defiantly not debonair and studious.”

Everyone laughed at the thought of Evyn, Kiliki’s older brother and Emalia’s husband, being anything close to debonair or studious. He was still too much of a kid at heart for any of those things, probably the main reason he was Dabria’s favorite brother, above Tommy.

“Can you imagine Evyn being studious? Heaven forbid!” Kiliki laughed.

Jada shook her head. “Poor Evyn, but whoever could you mean, Kiliki?” Jada asked, but her eyes were on Dabria.

“I bet Dabria could answer,” Kiliki responded, looking at the girl who shifted uncomfortably.

“Justin! He’s the exact opposite of Justin!” Salena answered brightly.

Dabria glared at her. “Yeah, so?”

Salena shook her head. “Yeah, so nothing. It’s just the answer to the question, Bree.”

“Hmmm,” Dabria mumbled, not liking where the conversation was heading.

Kiliki laughed softly and put her arm around her sister. “Okay, Bree, we’ll stop teasing you. I’m sorry. But Aunt Jada is right, about one thing. We do need to have Mr. McNeil over.”

“Whatever. I don’t care.” Dabria shrugged, more upset than she wanted to admit.

“Stop, Dabria. You do care. Don’t lie to yourself about that. It’s okay that you like this man, though we need to find out more about him before you get permanently attached. Having him here will help us to do that.” Kiliki gave her sister a squeeze before she added, “I do wonder though what Justin will say when he finds out.”

“Or do,” Aunt Jada added.

“Why should he say or do anything?” Dabria questioned, not quite ready to admit that she had been wondering what his reaction to Leon McNeil would be too.

“Bree, he’s always looked on you as a little sister. Just like Evyn and Tommy. He’s going to be protective,” Kiliki warned.

Dabria shot Salena a look, remembering one of their conversations about this very thing not too long ago. Then she shook her head. “He doesn’t think any guy will ever look at me.”

“What?” Kiliki asked in surprise.

“Nothing. Forget I said anything. Justin won’t be a problem though. He wouldn’t dare,” she finished fiercely.

“That sounds like an interesting story,” Jada prompted.

It was Salena that answered though. “Not really, just some drama.”

Dabria gave her a grateful smile, as the three women exchanged glances.

“Well, let’s forget about Justin for now. Kiliki, what if we have Mr. McNeil over for dinner on say Friday? If all goes well, perhaps we could invite him back for Adem’s birthday party the next day,” Jada thought out loud.

Kiliki nodded. “That sounds like a wonderful idea, Aunt Jada. I’ll have Tadi deliver the invitation tomorrow. That gives him a day to accept,” she said, mentioned the butler’s son and Adem’s confidant. “Bree, how does that sound to you? We promise to be on good behavior.”

“In this family, that doesn’t mean much,” Dabria muttered. She sighed and nodded. “I guess that sounds okay. It will be nice to see him again and hear more about the places he’s been too.”

“That was really interesting,” Salena agreed. “I wish I could hear more.”

“What? You will. As far was Mr. McNeil knows you are a friend of Dabria’s, correct?” Kiliki asked with a raised brow. She waited until Dabria nodded then said, “Then we shall do nothing to disrupt that image. After all, Salena, you and Em are very much a part of our family/”

“Of course,” Jada proclaimed as if the matter was long past settled. “Now, Kiliki, you really must get that invitation out and I believe I will have a chat with the cook about having something special for that night. After all he maybe the King’s Ambassador’s son, but he’s our Dabria’s first beau,” Jada said with a smile.

“Ah!” Dabria groaned covering her ears. “I’m never going to hear the end of this!”

The others in the room just laughed.


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